Get Involved
Texas women are diverse and vibrant — and their success is key to making this state great. But as this report shows, Texas women are disproportionately experiencing poverty, and that impacts the state’s future workforce and economy. Driving meaningful change in public policy is a powerful way to make real progress in advancing a vision of an equitable society for women and girls — and a better Texas for all.

Stay Engaged
You can advocate for policies and practices in local communities and at the state level where innovation and investment can help empower women, lead to positive economic and social change, and achieve equity for Texas women and girls and their families. Contact your lawmaker today!

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Women aged 18 to 21 who have access to birth control earn 5% more per hour and 11% more per year by the time they’re 40.
90% of family violence survivors will experience homelessness at least once; almost half will two or more times.