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Stories From Our 2020 Report

Teaching the Teachers

AUSTIN — Dawn Leach has devoted decades toward teaching the next generation of child care providers at Austin Community College. She knows the growing challenges child care providers face, and how access to adequate, affordable child care factors into students’ academic success and workforce opportunities. Read the Transcript
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Medicina & Medicare

EL PASO – Maria Luisa Hernandez, 66, ha vivido en la frontera entre Texas y México confiando en remedios caseros y medicamentos mexicanos. Los gastos caros y papeleo extenso del seguro de salud estadounidense la desalentaba de tener cobertura hasta que se retiró por razones médicas y más tarde calificó para Medicare. Read the Transcript

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Building a Legacy

FORT WORTH — Patrevia Moore, 32, and her daughters relied on federal housing subsidies for eight years. Financial literacy programs helped her save money and receive matching funds for a down payment toward owning a home. Read the Transcript

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Early College, Early Opportunities

HOUSTON — Shahad Alfartosy, 20, lived her childhood in an Iraqi war zone with an unstable academic environment, so her family came to the U.S. as refugees. She completed 60 college credit hours while in high school, earning access to competitive medical programs earlier than she expected. Read the Transcript

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